
What exactly does it mean to be "wise?" And is it possible to grow and even accelerate its unfolding? For over two decades, Dr. Dilip Jeste has led the search for the biological and cognitive roots of wisdom. What's emerged from his work is that wisdom is a very real and deeply multilayered set of traits. Across many cultures and centuries, he's found that wise people are compassionate and empathetic, aware of their gifts and blind spots, open-minded, and resolute and calm amid uncertainty. They’re altruistic decision-makers who learn from their experiences, able to see from many perspectives and "altitudes" and often blessed with a sense of adventure and humor. Dr. Jeste, who specializes in geriatric issues, is past president of the American Psychiatric Association.
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Wiser: The Scientific Roots of Wisdom, Compassion, and What Makes Us GoodBuy
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