Abbot alumna inspires and educates through radio show
Episode #1298
October 21st, 2020
Revolutionary Self-Help
Do you constantly wonder what you’re saying, doing or thinking that’s causing you to feel “less than”? Are you always looking for ways to fix something about yourself? You’re not alone — far from it, in fact — and the good news is that you have the power to find your way back to the person you know you are deep down. It’s been inside you all along. Suzanne Jones has helped thousands of participants with her life-changing somatic healing program and in her book leads you on a journey back to your authentic self by guiding you through a personal exploration of recovery, growth and resilience. She’s been profiled on CNN and in Yoga Journal, the NY Times, Shape and Whole Living.
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There Is Nothing to Fix: Becoming Whole Through Radical Self-AcceptanceBuy
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